Unable to view HEVC files on Windows 10 or Windows 11? Read this!

If you’re struggling to view photos sent from iPhone devices, or modern smartphones, then on Windows 10 and Windows 11, there’s a little extension you might need to install. By default the Photos app, should handle any images, but for the animated images or short videos you need an additional plugin. Microsoft sneakily tries to...

Windows 10 100% Disk Usage – Potential Fixes

Windows 10 is good, but it’s not perfect, if you’ve upgraded from an older version of Windows, then you may be here because your system is hammering your disk usage. Windows 10, seemingly, has a very annoying and disruptive problem that Microsoft don’t seem willing to fix, and no matter how many forums you look...

Free Windows 10 Upgrade

Yes. You can still upgrade to Windows 10, for free, from Windows 7. Provided your Windows 7 is genuine, and activated. Follow these steps, to get your free Windows 10 upgrade. Now, it should go without saying that prior to any big updates or upgrades, especially for an operating system upgrade, you should do a...

Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 100% Disk Usage – Possible Fixes

*UPDATE* This now stands for Windows 10 as well. You’re probably landing here by searching that as well anyway, so read on. Hopefully these can help. If, like me, you’ve used Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 then you’ll know that once you get used to it, it’s quite good. Yes, there are some bad parts,...

Vodafone Mobile Wi-Fi R206 – Setup & Review

An upcoming holiday in a lovely little cottage with no fixed Internet access forced me to upgrade my old Vodafone USB Dongle (They stopped support for it). I was orginally planning on going “Off the grid” for the week, but that isn’t wise, practical, or advisable if you run your own business! Initially I was...

Heartbleed – What You Need To Know

Let me explain a little bit. I’m talking about “The Heartbleed Bug”, a recent security threat that is affecting hundreds and thousands of websites. Now, you have more than likely seen a lot of press in the last couple of days about the ‘Heartbleed Bug’, whether it be on the BBC news, or the Radio...

Hiding Pictures in Twitter

Do you use Twitter on your mobile device?? If so you may have been effected by a recent update to the software, which inline with it’s website, is now displaying by default images in your timeline. I use it, a lot, and this update annoyed me slightly as I really don’t want to be seeing...

Adding a Print Button to Google Chrome

Another nice, simple and useful blog post. This time for all those Google Chrome users out there. Recently a client changed from using Internet Explorer as his main browser, to Google Chrome. The only thing that the user wanted to add, was a “Print” button. Now Google Chrome doesn’t have this as default, but we...

Thunderbird Signature Appearing Grey? Read this …

Do you use the Thunderbird email client? Do you use an email signature? If you answered yes to both of those, then have a little read on, you may be in need of a little trick to help your email signature appear as you want it to. Not all “greyed out” and wishy washy looking,...